Israel and Arab World / Symbols of Freedom and Brotherhood

December 31, 2008 at 8:23 pm (Articles) (, , )

By: Seyed Yasser Jebraily

1. Freedom House, a U.S. based organization propagated by western media to be a unique freedom and democracy watchdog in the world, every year announces Israel to be the only, and only, “free and democratic country in the Middle East”. Since Freedom House claims its judgments to be based on the actions of the governments in every region and country, the ongoing events in Gaza strip surely have an especial rule in determining the occupier Zionist regime to be “free”.

Having this in mind, we can now clearly define what is meant by “freedom” in the minds of Western countries: freedom means having no limitation to kill humans; freedom means feeling free to occupy some other people’s lands; freedom is to prevent a nation from catching food and drink; freedom is… to be as free as animals!? No! No one can mention just one instance of a wild animal killing more than 360 of his own race in a few days.

New York Times may be right to think of Israel as a wild animal that “with strikes, reminds foes it has teeth”, but the newspaper has no right to insult on the “animal wild life” by using the analogy of “showing teeth to foes”. As I mentioned above, no animal has been as cruel and bloodthirsty as Zionists.

The era of hypocrisy is over. The U.S. and its European fellows have failed to deceive the world by the tantalizing mottos of freedom. From now on, the world is not going to accept Israel and its supporters as “free”.

2. What is going on in Gaza Strip is not just atrocities of Zionist regime, it is the insult of Western countries to humanity; it is the manifestation of Arab states’ fratricide. Without the cooperation of Egyptian government, blockade of Gaza is impossible. Without the Saudi-provided fuel, it is impossible for Israeli jets to fly over Gaza and kill innocent women and children. Our prophet Mohammad (SAWA) has a well-known saying that “everybody who hears a Muslim’s call for help and avoids assistance, is not a Muslim.”

Arab governments, not only do not help Palestinian Muslims, but also facilitate the genocide by Israelis in Gaza.

Turki Al-Faisal, a senior Arab official, a few days ago, in a Washington Post article contended that that ” The Arab world is willing to pay a high price for peace, not only recognizing Israel as a legitimate state but also normalizing relations and putting a permanent end to the state of hostilities that has existed since 1948.”

Al-Faisal was wrong. Arab governments do not look for peace. They are afraid of their American and European masters. They must follow their masters’ suit and “protect the only free country in the Mideast”! They must sacrifice a nation, Gaza people, to live their comfort life with their American and Israeli friends.

We do not expect Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak or King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to protect Gaza. They will not. Saudi people, Egyptian people and other Arab nations should face their governments, take serious actions and do something for their Muslim brothers in Gaza Strip.

1 Comment

  1. Enlargement said,

    I am amazed with it. It is a good thing for my research. Thanks

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