The Resolution of Muslim students in the last day of the sit-in in front of the Egyptian Interest Section in Tehran

January 11, 2009 at 12:56 pm (News) (, , , , )

Mesr_87-10-12_%20%281%29.jpgIn the Name of God, the Compassionate the Merciful

Two weeks have passed from the barbarous aggression of the Zionist Regime to Gaza. It has been two weeks that the Zionist regime , by killing the Palestinians, has once again not only disgraced itself but also the Arabs.

The onslaught on Gaza has reminded us that 60 years have passed from the massacre of Muslims and the occupation of Palestine. It has also shown to the world that the claimant of the human rights violate them even in their words and proved to the Arabs self-degradation and the illegitimacy of their governments.

O Muslim Student in Iran , Saudi Arabia, Pakistan , Egypt and other parts of the world! Lest you forget what God and His prophet expect from us! Lest you forget that a Muslim cannot see his brother drowned in blood and his sister homeless and keep silent! We should not forget that the God’s religion is the religion of struggle against oppression and dignity and not a religion of debasement , lowliness and abjectness that has gripped the Muslim leaders.

The sit-in of the last few days proved to us that the Egyptian Government and its Pharaoh is not courageous enough to fulfill our truth-seeking demand and rescue our Muslim Arab brothers and sisters. But Zionism and its agents should know that Iran would not be their safe nest any more. The companies affiliated with Zionism should know that they cannot do business in Iran and take from us the money for the bullets and bombs they drop on the people of Gaza. The Arab leaders should know that if they do not respond to the call of the Palestinians and stop supporting the human-killing machine of the Zionists , they’ll find their governments toppled and with the help of God and the endeavor of Muslim nations they would be buried , along with their master Israel, in the cemetery of the History.

Now we, the Muslim students, avow , in obedience to our leader Ayatollah Khamenei, not to stop supporting the people of Gaza and to do whatever we can for the victory of Muslims against the Army of the Heathens . We ask God Almighty , for the sake of the dignity and grace of the blood of Imam Hussein, to precipitate the return of our lord Imam Mahdi so that he would rescue all the oppressed people of the world from the claws of the God-denying oppressors. ” Victory is from Allah and Opening is close”

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